The Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance at CBU prepares students with the fundamental musical skills, technical competencies, stylistic understanding, and artistic cultivation to successfully pursue a career in piano performance. Highlights of the program include strong theoretical and musicianship training, thorough studies in music history and piano literature, pedagogical coaching, collaborative training in a variety of musical styles, and rigorous performance instruction, including private study with CBU faculty and consistent engagement with professional performers through residencies and masterclasses. Students in the program will also be required to actively perform throughout their tenure. These performances include numerous individual solo performances, two capstone recital presentations, and collaborative performances in a variety of styles, including solo vocal and instrumental repertory, choral and instrumental ensembles, and chamber music.
Spring 1 November, Fall 1 July
Fall: July 1 / Spring: November 1 / Summer: March 1
3.0 Minimum
4 Years
USD$ 32000.00
*Price shown is for indicative purpose, please check with institution
Riverside, California
Here are some scholarship that are available at The California Baptist University.
Tuition Fee Scholarship
For further details, please contact the university website.
All international
Tuition Fee Scholarship
For further details, please contact the university website.
All international