The Architecture major creates a rich academic environment marked by the confluence of advanced practice, contemporary theory, and social engagement. Our primary goal is to help students develop the capacity and judgment necessary to understand the built environment and generate architecture as a critical response, so that each student can engage both the discipline of architecture and the multiple discourses - artistic, technological, social, political, environmental, economic, spiritual - necessary to be a successful practitioner and a conscientious citizen with a Biblical worldview.The Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at CBU is intended as a degree that will allow a student to proceed onto graduate studies, or into the workforce, in architecture or another discipline. It is not designed to be an accredited, professional degree and therefore does not satisfy the qualifications for licensure as an architect in most states in the U.S.
Spring 1 November, Fall 1 July
Fall: July 1 / Spring: November 1 / Summer: March 1
3.0 Minimum
4 Years
USD$ 32000.00
*Price shown is for indicative purpose, please check with institution
Riverside, California
Here are some scholarship that are available at The California Baptist University.
Tuition Fee Scholarship
For further details, please contact the university website.
All international
Tuition Fee Scholarship
For further details, please contact the university website.
All international